How Restaurants Work
Tri-County Pie Eat
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Lizard Men
Future location of Half-Stop
City of Destiny
Horse Shit
How Restaurants Work
How Restaurants Work

HOW RESTAURANTS WORK is a full-color zine comprised of stories, scans, and back of house photos from multiple contributors—it is an elegy, a eulogy, and a damnation that attempts to describe how people whose work is to feed you get through their days while working to feed you.

$10, to purchase please email


Good Days Gone Cold Days  is a collaboration between Pine Island Press and Half-Stop. It was made by Sarah LaPonte and Helen Jones in the late fall in Pennsylvania while living in and working on a house without heat, without doorknobs, and without much insulation or electricity to speak of.

In addition to photographs the zine includes writing and a free sandwhichville building permit, an illustration by Pony Jacobson, and a banjo tab by the folks at Quiet American Music.

Buy it HERE!

34 pages, full color, 8.5 x 5.5 in, staple bound 

Printed with solid wax ink technology
First edition of 50

Tri-County Pie Eat
Tri-County Pie Eat

Tri-County Pie Eat (issue 2) is a collaborative, photo based zine featuring the work of Lucas Foglia, Abby Banks, Sarah George, Michael Hernandez, and more. View it here.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is a collaboration between siblings Nic and Sarah LaPonte made during Sarah's residency at the Cyberpunk Apocalypse Writers project during May 2013. It features six vignettes and a photo pullout of images taken on disposable cameras in Pittsburgh and Afghanistan. 

Lizard Men
Lizard Men

A zine by Arielle Seligson and Sarah LaPonte comprised of images found on Tinder between September 14 and 24th, 2014 of men posing with reptiles.

Future location of Half-Stop
Future location of Half-Stop

Coming soon, can you beleive it?

City of Destiny
City of Destiny

Black and white images taken in Tacoma, Washington.

Horse Shit
Horse Shit

Horse Shit is a collaborative zine curated by Sarah LaPonte, featuring the work of artists from artists of all regions of the US. 

2012 was a shit, rough, year.